Monday, July 12, 2010

July 10th-Market Day

If you're only going to do one thing in Galway, go to the open air market. I am a big fan of taking my own advice, so that's where I found myself this Saturday morning, wandering through carts of handmade crafts and delicious food displays. I stopped at the crepe place for breakfast--I don't remember what exactly I got, but there were pears and apricots and just general wonderfulness. I also got to have a little chat with the man by the stand with the gluten-free cakes about the gluten-free trend here. He says it's because the Irish diet has been so consistent through the years that more allergies are popping up. I took this as a reasonable answer. Unfortunately, it began to rain on our market day parade, so we headed back and I used the time to work on my papers a bit. It was still pouring by the time dinner rolled around, so in an effort to conserve dry socks, we brought a pizza back to our homestay and had a relaxing night in.

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